Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tool #5

I opened my yahoo account and also opened an account with delicious. I found the following website:


This site has downloadable games for the Activ Board...these can be used for several different points in a lesson. Introduction, whole class review, etc...

I also created and account on Diigo and found the following site that I joined...


This is a site where SPED teachers can read about SPED issues from teachers around the nation.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tool # 4

So...I have learned how to do the Google Docs and sent an invitation to my friend Angelique. Then i opend Google reader and became a follower of 4 of my colleagues...but don't worry, I was already a follower of the LLI blog I have been using all year...I am going to have to think about how to use this with my students..I welcome any and all suggestions and ideas. :)


I cannot figure out how to get things that I have made from Image Chef to show up on my blog AND my Voki ran away!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tool# 3

I really like the sites I learned about on this lesson... LOVE Wordle...I have actually played with that before..that could be alot of fun for my kids! We could do a whole page on cvc words or word families. Looking forward to learning more about these sites! :)

Wordle: Penne- Aggie

ImageChef Word Mosaic - ImageChef.com

Tool #2

After growing a couple of grey hairs waiting for my sbisd computer to allow me to leave comments and view the training videos, I finally switched to my daughter's computer so I could keep my sanity and finish step #2.
This learning network is definitely something new for me. I am looking forward to sharing ideas and learning from my fellow teachers. I have some big techie shoes to fill! :)

After a quick phone call to a sweet friend,(yes it is humiliating to admit this, but we are supposed to be honest, right?) I was able to figure out how to leave comments on the following blogs:
Live Laugh &Learn
Jello's 11 Tools
Life Long Learning
Moulton Lava
Kimmy's 11 Tools

Friday, June 4, 2010

oops...typo...meant to say "those"
okay...so i did not follow instructions...mainly because i cannot remember the instructions when i close the page...and for thise wondering, i Do know how to use caps and puncs, but it is much faster not to...so the title of my avatar is "Dream" (i think) and i am supposed to include steps from Tool#1...my thought is that i am writing on my blog, so i obviously followed directions... :)
Wow...that took a while, but it is done...I have created my blog, made and Avatar and gotten a bit of a headache...yeah technology.
Done...thank goodness for teenagers!