Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tool # 11 Reflections

One of the most useful tools I learned about was the Wordle and Word Cloud tools. They will be very useful with my students that are working on building vocabulary. It is a creative way to reinforce words. I would give a student a category, such as "flowers" and he/she could create a Wordle with all of the adjectives he/she could think of. We would create an adjective book using this tool. I also like the digital story telling tools. I would love to allow my students to create a picture story and then have something of their own creation to write about.
The iphone/ipad is also a valuable tool in the classroom. There are so many options that can be used to reinforce learning.
The technology that is available to our students is exciting and a bit mind-boggling. I just hope we keep our wits about us and realize a child can have all the technology in the world available to him, but if he does not have a dedicated, loving and highly qualified teacher to instill the love of learning, it will not be effective.

Tool # 11

Well...finally made to the last tool. All about digital do we as teachers teach our kids to be responsible citizens of the digital world? Weird to have started my teaching career when internet was just a baby, and now technology has given us the gift of being able to have the world at your fingertips. Amazing. Along with that kind of gift comes a huge responsibility. Some of the articles I read talked about how we would not leave kids alone to understand math and science, neither should they be left alone to understand what it means to be a digital citizen. The problem is that they already know more than we do. We, the teachers, for the most part are playing catch up.
We all know how hard it is to teach a subject if we are not "up" on the content.
I think our number one responsibility is to teach our children that with all of the technology that is available to them, comes a big responsibility. They must be smart and safe. They need to be taught to distinguish the good from the bad.
Hhhmmmm....seems like that is an old lesson applied to a new endeavor.
"The more things change, the more they stay the same."

Friday, July 23, 2010

Tool # 10

WOW...I have been introduced to the iphone, once again by my teenagers. There are some REALLY COOL apps that can be used. I was surprised to see all the cool stuff that can be used for can have facts about every president at your fingertips...wordofthe day...a fun way to work on vocabulary...poptiq...the ability to get educational videos at the touch of a button...and personally, for me, apps like omnifocus...the name says it all...organization is definitely something I could use more of.

Now I just have to wait for the next free upgrade on our plan to get an iphone...

Tool # 9

Jing has a huge variety of ways to be used in the classroom. It can be used by the teacher to teach a specific lesson in a number of subjects such as math or history. It reminds me of one of the steps that can be used when creating a flipchart for the Activboard.
I especially love Skype. A couple of days ago, my daughter downloaded the app on my computer and opened an account for me. We are both excited about being able to see each other while she is in college. That is is I can get a camera. Not sure if this computer can even support that???
How cool would it be to be able to call a kid in another country, or a classroom and allow our kids to interact? Talk about bringing the world to our doorstep...

Tool # 8

The first video is from one of my favorite cartoons. Cartoons are a great way to get facts stuck in the minds of our little darlings.
The second video is just funny. Makes me wonder...

Lots of great opportunities to use videos in the classroom. Look forward to finding some good math videos for my youngsters.


It would be difficult to be more frustrated than I am with this process. I have the PS done and saved , but, as you can tell below, I cannot get it to upload onto my blog. It is saved as a "wmw", thank you Melanie, but that did not work either. So, if anyone wants to see my PS, drop on by the house and I will show you... moving on to Tool #8...I cannot wait to see the joys of technology that await!!!

Tool #7

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tool# 6

I actually was invited to join a Wiki by my librarian (thanks Susan) last year. I was interested to see all the classroom uses for a Wiki. I think the one I am most intersted in is a Wiki for language arts. Students can create a story using a Wiki that that can be accessed by all. The story can be created by kids, changed by kids and edited by kids. What a great idea! A living story. This would also be a great tool for peer editing. It could also be used for vocabulary words, giving students the chance to write down what they think a word means by using the context. Students could comment on each others thoughts.

Seeing as writing is quite a chore for some of my students, this would be a creative way to get them to write!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tool #5

I opened my yahoo account and also opened an account with delicious. I found the following website:

This site has downloadable games for the Activ Board...these can be used for several different points in a lesson. Introduction, whole class review, etc...

I also created and account on Diigo and found the following site that I joined...

This is a site where SPED teachers can read about SPED issues from teachers around the nation.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tool # 4

So...I have learned how to do the Google Docs and sent an invitation to my friend Angelique. Then i opend Google reader and became a follower of 4 of my colleagues...but don't worry, I was already a follower of the LLI blog I have been using all year...I am going to have to think about how to use this with my students..I welcome any and all suggestions and ideas. :)


I cannot figure out how to get things that I have made from Image Chef to show up on my blog AND my Voki ran away!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tool# 3

I really like the sites I learned about on this lesson... LOVE Wordle...I have actually played with that before..that could be alot of fun for my kids! We could do a whole page on cvc words or word families. Looking forward to learning more about these sites! :)

Wordle: Penne- Aggie

ImageChef Word Mosaic -

Tool #2

After growing a couple of grey hairs waiting for my sbisd computer to allow me to leave comments and view the training videos, I finally switched to my daughter's computer so I could keep my sanity and finish step #2.
This learning network is definitely something new for me. I am looking forward to sharing ideas and learning from my fellow teachers. I have some big techie shoes to fill! :)

After a quick phone call to a sweet friend,(yes it is humiliating to admit this, but we are supposed to be honest, right?) I was able to figure out how to leave comments on the following blogs:
Live Laugh &Learn
Jello's 11 Tools
Life Long Learning
Moulton Lava
Kimmy's 11 Tools

Friday, June 4, 2010

oops...typo...meant to say "those" i did not follow instructions...mainly because i cannot remember the instructions when i close the page...and for thise wondering, i Do know how to use caps and puncs, but it is much faster not the title of my avatar is "Dream" (i think) and i am supposed to include steps from thought is that i am writing on my blog, so i obviously followed directions... :)
Wow...that took a while, but it is done...I have created my blog, made and Avatar and gotten a bit of a headache...yeah technology.
Done...thank goodness for teenagers!