Friday, July 23, 2010

Tool # 9

Jing has a huge variety of ways to be used in the classroom. It can be used by the teacher to teach a specific lesson in a number of subjects such as math or history. It reminds me of one of the steps that can be used when creating a flipchart for the Activboard.
I especially love Skype. A couple of days ago, my daughter downloaded the app on my computer and opened an account for me. We are both excited about being able to see each other while she is in college. That is is I can get a camera. Not sure if this computer can even support that???
How cool would it be to be able to call a kid in another country, or a classroom and allow our kids to interact? Talk about bringing the world to our doorstep...

1 comment:

  1. So glad we have Skype available to keep in touch with our college girls!!! I am NOT looking forward to having one in Abilene!
